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Business often have a difficult time deciding on a promo item or corporate giveaway. With the plethora of choices out there, it isn't difficult to imagine companies agonizing over the perfect promotional item for their clients. Price is often the most important factor when considering a company giveaway but it shouldn't be. When price is the main focus, the company loses out in a major way when the promo item ends up in the trash bin or pushed to the side in favor of their competitor's more relevant and of better quality item. Think about the message you want to send out and choose an item that is relevant, timely, and hasn't already saturated the market. People may not need another lanyard but they will always be searching in their bags or pockets for pens that work.
Here we present a few tips that should help you in your search for the perfect promotional item:
1. It should be relevant to your business. If you're an outdoor company, it would be a good idea to choose a promo item that your customers can enjoy yet still associate with you. It doesn't make sense to provide ceramic coffee mugs for example, if your customers aren't the type to sit down and enjoy a cup. A travel mug or tumbler would be more appropriate. You don't want people wondering why a company known for being environmentally-friendly is giving out notepads and desk calendars as promotional items (unless of course, they are made out of sustainable materials).
2. Choose quality over quantity every time. Here is the price question usually comes up. Some companies don't realize that by attaching their name and brand to a lower quality promotional product, they are actually hurting their image and bottom line. You definitely don't wan something you've given to end up in the trash. That defeats the purpose and makes all the time and money your spent on them totally useless. It is better to invest in good quality promotional items that you can give our to loyal customers and new clients instead of trying to foist cheap and low quality items to every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes into your store.
3. Choose a good design. Simple is the best when planning out the design of your promotional item. It can be very easy to go overboard with the colors, images, and text that go into your promo item. You have to keep in mind that your customers will probably spend just a few seconds looking over your item, so don't overwhelm the with a plethora of information. As for the company information that goes into your product, make sure that only the most relevant details make it. Your address may not be very important but your contact information and social media info might be exactly what your customer might need to find you again or recommend you to their friends.
4. Meet the needs of a specific market. When you choose a promo item, make sure you have a particular customer or market segment in mind. Specific marketing strategies often work better than broad strokes marketing. Examine your company's current client roster or customer line-up and figure out who your target market is. Whether you want to attract new clients of give your loyal customers a promo item to show your gratitude for their patronage, it is always better to plan ahead and anticipate what your market's response will be as opposed to going into it blind.
Please contact us for any additional questions.